Oxford Dictionary of Humorous Quotations(牛津幽默语录字典) 下载 网盘 txt 地址 rtf kindle docx pdf

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In The Oxford Dictionary of Humorous Quotations, noted writer and satirist Ned Sherrin has gathered nearly 6,000 quotations drawn from an international cast of humorists and pundits, ranging from Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and Oscar Wilde to Groucho Marx, Monty Python, Woody Allen, and Roseanne Barr. Forty themes, from computers to tennis, and over eight hundred quotations, are completely new to this paperback edition. Arranged in themes from Actors and Acting to Youth, Sherrin has collected the sharpest, the wittiest, the wryest in quips, put-downs, and one-liners. Here are the best lines of comedians and playwrights, novelists and producers, cartoonists and moguls, soldiers and lawyers. Each quotation comes with details of who said it, where, and when, while separate keyword and author indices mean the reader will never have to wonder "whose line is it anyway?" Displaying all shades of humor, from dry to sly, subtle to wacky, The Oxford Dictionary of Humorous Quotations is the perfect resource for anyone who enjoys a sparkling line, a clever pun, or a wickedly clever riposte.
Dazzlingly entertaining, this new edition of the Oxford Dictionary of Humorous Quotations contains over 5,000 quotations hand-picked by the writer and broadcaster Ned Sherrin. Containing a wide coverage of themes, including forty brand new ones such as Autobiography, Awards and Prizes, Parties, Presidents, Smoking, and Tennis, there is something for everyone on every subject imaginable. From sharp one-liners to witty quips, there are quotations from classic humorists such as Mae West, Oscar Wilde, and Groucho Marx, to today's well known comedians and wits including Dick Vosburgh, Maureen Lipman, Tracey Ullman, Ben Elton, and Ian Hislop. There are of course quotations from famous luminaries from walks of life other than comedy, from Samuel Johnson to Tennessee Williams, and Albert Einstein to the Duke of Wellington. With details of where each quotation comes from, who said it, where and when, an author index allowing you at a glance to establish who said what, and a detailed keyword index, this is not just an ideal reference tool but also an invaluable and classic collection. 'I have a rare intolerance to herbs which means I can only drink fermented liquids, such as gin' Julie Walters 'France is a country where the money falls apart in your hands and you can't tear the toilet paper' Billy Wilder 'People don't come in my size until they're old. I used to think people were born with big bones and large frames, but apparently these grow when you're about sixty-eight' Maeve Binchy 'They say the definition of ambivalence is watching your mother-in-law drive over a cliff in your new Cadillac' David Mamet 'It's amazing what you can do with an E in A-level art, twisted imagination and a chainsaw' Damien Hirst 'I'm President of the United States, and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli!' George Bush
Some may search quotation compilations for wisdom or inspiration, but most crack these reference tomes looking for a laugh. Ned Sherrin has therefore done the world a favor by culling the witticisms and snide remarks from the vast quotation libraries, creating a volume completely dedicated to the funny remark. It's superbly browsable, but as the nearly 5,000 quotations are grouped by more than 100 themes, it's also a reference with practical applications. For a quip on consumerism, George Orwell comes through with, "Advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket." Dean Martin opines about liquor: "You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on." Ronald Knox defines a baby as "a loud noise on one end and no sense of responsibility on the other," and for politics, Art Buchwald says of Richard Nixon, "I worship the quicksand he walks in." It's an irresistible dictionary.
--Stephanie Gold
YA?One liners, insults, puns, and all manner of clever, witty, and hilariously funny quotes are included in this book. It's a great source for public speakers, writers, trivia buffs, browsers, and anyone who loves a laugh. Who, what, and when information is provided for each entry as well as a keyword and an author index. The 5,000 quotes cover a wide range of themes and time periods.
Perhaps no other work of reference has quite the same capacity as has the quotation book of making readers forget the original object of their search. A single page yields an abundance of distracting brilliancies, witticisms, and amazingly silly things to keep one going for hours. This omnivorous accumulation of roughly 5000 quotations is a triumph of browsing and a labor of love. Sherrin, presenter of BBC Radio 4's Loose Ends, has plenty of able predecessors in this crowded anthology pasture, but few are dedicated exclusively to observations of humorous bent. The names are famous and not so famous as quipsters?Mark Twain, Tom Stoppard, Stephen Leacock, Enrico Fermi, and Louis XIV, to name a few?and few of the selections are thigh-slappingly funny, but they do divert pleasingly. Recommended for quotation book collections.?A.J. Anderson, GSLIS, Simmons Coll., Boston Ragsdale, Lyn. Vital Statistics on the Presidency: Washington to Clinton.
Height (mm) 196 Width (mm) 129
In The Oxford Dictionary of Humorous Quotations, noted writer and satirist Ned Sherrin has gathered nearly 6,000 quotations drawn from an international cast of humorists and pundits, ranging from Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and Oscar Wilde to Groucho Marx, Monty Python, Woody Allen, and Roseanne Barr. Forty themes, from computers to tennis, and over eight hundred quotations, are completely new to this paperback edition. Arranged in themes from Actors and Acting to Youth, Sherrin has collected the sharpest, the wittiest, the wryest in quips, put-downs, and one-liners. Here are the best lines of comedians and playwrights, novelists and producers, cartoonists and moguls, soldiers and lawyers. Each quotation comes with details of who said it, where, and when, while separate keyword and author indices mean the reader will never have to wonder "whose line is it anyway?" Displaying all shades of humor, from dry to sly, subtle to wacky, The Oxford Dictionary of Humorous Quotations is the perfect resource for anyone who enjoys a sparkling line, a clever pun, or a wickedly clever riposte.
Dazzlingly entertaining, this new edition of the Oxford Dictionary of Humorous Quotations contains over 5,000 quotations hand-picked by the writer and broadcaster Ned Sherrin. Containing a wide coverage of themes, including forty brand new ones such as Autobiography, Awards and Prizes, Parties, Presidents, Smoking, and Tennis, there is something for everyone on every subject imaginable. From sharp one-liners to witty quips, there are quotations from classic humorists such as Mae West, Oscar Wilde, and Groucho Marx, to today's well known comedians and wits including Dick Vosburgh, Maureen Lipman, Tracey Ullman, Ben Elton, and Ian Hislop. There are of course quotations from famous luminaries from walks of life other than comedy, from Samuel Johnson to Tennessee Williams, and Albert Einstein to the Duke of Wellington. With details of where each quotation comes from, who said it, where and when, an author index allowing you at a glance to establish who said what, and a detailed keyword index, this is not just an ideal reference tool but also an invaluable and classic collection. 'I have a rare intolerance to herbs which means I can only drink fermented liquids, such as gin' Julie Walters 'France is a country where the money falls apart in your hands and you can't tear the toilet paper' Billy Wilder 'People don't come in my size until they're old. I used to think people were born with big bones and large frames, but apparently these grow when you're about sixty-eight' Maeve Binchy 'They say the definition of ambivalence is watching your mother-in-law drive over a cliff in your new Cadillac' David Mamet 'It's amazing what you can do with an E in A-level art, twisted imagination and a chainsaw' Damien Hirst 'I'm President of the United States, and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli!' George Bush
Some may search quotation compilations for wisdom or inspiration, but most crack these reference tomes looking for a laugh. Ned Sherrin has therefore done the world a favor by culling the witticisms and snide remarks from the vast quotation libraries, creating a volume completely dedicated to the funny remark. It's superbly browsable, but as the nearly 5,000 quotations are grouped by more than 100 themes, it's also a reference with practical applications. For a quip on consumerism, George Orwell comes through with, "Advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket." Dean Martin opines about liquor: "You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on." Ronald Knox defines a baby as "a loud noise on one end and no sense of responsibility on the other," and for politics, Art Buchwald says of Richard Nixon, "I worship the quicksand he walks in." It's an irresistible dictionary.
--Stephanie Gold
YA?One liners, insults, puns, and all manner of clever, witty, and hilariously funny quotes are included in this book. It's a great source for public speakers, writers, trivia buffs, browsers, and anyone who loves a laugh. Who, what, and when information is provided for each entry as well as a keyword and an author index. The 5,000 quotes cover a wide range of themes and time periods.
Perhaps no other work of reference has quite the same capacity as has the quotation book of making readers forget the original object of their search. A single page yields an abundance of distracting brilliancies, witticisms, and amazingly silly things to keep one going for hours. This omnivorous accumulation of roughly 5000 quotations is a triumph of browsing and a labor of love. Sherrin, presenter of BBC Radio 4's Loose Ends, has plenty of able predecessors in this crowded anthology pasture, but few are dedicated exclusively to observations of humorous bent. The names are famous and not so famous as quipsters?Mark Twain, Tom Stoppard, Stephen Leacock, Enrico Fermi, and Louis XIV, to name a few?and few of the selections are thigh-slappingly funny, but they do divert pleasingly. Recommended for quotation book collections.?A.J. Anderson, GSLIS, Simmons Coll., Boston Ragsdale, Lyn. Vital Statistics on the Presidency: Washington to Clinton.
Height (mm) 196 Width (mm) 129
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