深入浅出面向对象分析与设计(影印版) 下载 网盘 txt 地址 rtf kindle docx pdf

》深入浅出面向对象分析与设计(影印版)电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9787564107437
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2007-06
  • 页数:600
  • 价格:73.50
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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Head First Object Oriented Analysis and Design is a refreshing look at subject of OOAD. What sets this book apart is its focus on learning. The authors have made the content of OOAD accessible, usable for the practitioner."

Ivar Jacobson, Ivar Jacobson Consulting

"I just finished reading HF OOA&D and I loved it! The thing I liked most about this book was its focus on why we do OOA&D-to write great software!"

Kyle Brown, Distinguished Engineer, IBM




how to use this book: Intro

 Who is this book for?

 We know what you're thinking.

 And we know what your brain is thinking.

 Metacognition: thinking about thinking

 Here's what WE did:

 Here's what YOU can do to bend your brain into submission

 Read Me

 The Technical Team


Chapter 1. well-designed apps rock: Great Software Begins Here

 Rock and roll is forever!

 Rick's shiny new application

 What's the FIRST thing you'd change?

 Great software is... more than just one thing

 Great software in 3 easy steps

 Focus on functionality first

Test drive

Looking for problems


Apply basic OOprinciples

Design once,design teice

How easy is it to change your applications?

Encapsualte what varies


Great software at last(for now)

OOA&D is about writing great software

Bullet Poins

Chapter 2. gathering requirements: Give Them What They Want

You've got a new programming gig

Test dvive

Incorrect usage(sort of)

What is a Requirement?

Greating a requirments list

Plan for things going wrong

Alternate paths handle system problems

One use case,three parts

Check your requirements against yuor use cases

Your system must work in the real world

Getting to know the Happy Path

OOA&D Toolbox

Chapter 3. requirements change: I Love You, You're Perfect... Now Change

Chapter 4. analysis: Taking Your Software into the Real World

Chapter 5 (part 1). good design = flexible software: Nothing Ever Stays the Same

Chapter 5 (part 2). good design = flexible software: Give Your Software a 30-minute Workout

Chapter 6. solving really big problems "My Name is Art Vandelay...I am an Architect"

Chapter 7. architecture Bringing Order to Chaos

Chapter 8. design principles: Originality is Overrated

Chapter 9. iterating and testing: The Software is Still for the Customer

Chapter 10. the ooa&d lifecycle: Putting It All Together

Appendix i. leftovers: The Top Ten Topics (we didn't cover)

  #1. IS-A and HAS-A

 #2. Use case formats

  #3. Anti patterns

  #4. CRC cards

  #5. Metrics

  #6. Sequence diagrams

  #7. State diagrams

  #8. Unit testing

  #9. Coding standards and readable code

  #10. Refactoring

Appendix ii. welcome to objectville: Speaking the Language of OO








Chapter 1 Great Software Begins Here

* Finally, you'll understand why OOA&D is a four-letter word that your mother actually wants you to know about.

- Great software is

more than just one thing.

1. must do what the customer wants it to do.

2. well-designed, well-coded, and easy to maintain, reuse, and extend.


1. make sure your software does what the customer wants it to do.

2. apply basic OO principles to add flexibility.

3. strive for a maintainable, reusable design.

* don't create problems to solve problems

* enum: Enumerated types let you define a type name, and then a set of values that are allowed for that type. The cool thing about enums is that methods or classed that use them are pretected from any values not defined in the enum. So you can't misspe...

Chapter 2 Give Them What They Want

* requirement:

it's a specific thing your system has to do to work correctly.

specific: a requirement is usually a single thing, and you can test the thing to make sure you've actually fulfilled the requirement

system: is the complete app or project you're working on.

a requirement is a singular need detailing what a particular product or service should be or do. It is most commonly used in a formal sense in systems engineering or softwar engineering.

* use cases:

a use case describes what your system does to accomplish a prticular customer goal.

a use case is a technique for capturing the potential requirements of a new system or software change. Each use case provides one or more scemarios that convey how the system should interact with...




              ——Iva Jacobson Ivar Jacobson Consulting UML之父


            ——Edward Sciore 波士顿学院计算机科学系副教授


                        ——Kyle Brown





  使用开闭原则(Open—C10 sed Principle)与单一责任原则(Single—Responsibility Principle)提升程序的重利用性。




作者简介:Brett McLaughlin is a guitar player who is still struggling with the realization that you can't pay the bills if you're into acoustic fingerstyle blues and jazz. He's just recently discovered, to his delight, that writing books that help people become better programmers does pay the bills. He's very happy about this, as are his wife Leigh, and his kids, Dean and Robbie. Before Brett wandered into Head First land, he developed enterprise Java applications for Nextel Communications and Allegiance Telecom. When that became fairly mundane, Brett took on application servers, working on the internals of the Lutris Enhydra servlet engine and EJB container. Along the way, Brett got hooked on open source software, and helped found several cool programming tools, like Jakarta Turbine and JDOM. Write to him at brett@oreilly.com.

  你是否早已对市面上那些只有在成为专家以后读起来才有感觉的OOA&D 书籍感到厌倦?你可能早就听说过OOA&D书籍能帮助你写出伟大的软件一让老板高兴、客户满意的软件。

但如何办到呢? 《深入浅出面向对象分析与设计》将告诉你如何分析、设计以及撰写真正面向对象的软件:容易重利用、好维护、可扩展的软件;不再使你心碎的软件;让你增添新功能而不会破坏旧机制的软件。在本书中,你将学到: ·使用诸如封装(encapsulation)与委派  (delegation)的OO原则建立灵活的应用程序。

  ·使用开闭原则(Open—closed Principle)与单一责任原则(single Responsibility  Principie)提升程序的重利用性。










你是否早已对市面上那些只有在成为专家以后,读起来才有感觉的 OOA&D 书籍感到厌倦?你可能早就听说过 OOA&D 书籍能帮助你写出伟大的软件 — 让老板高兴、客户满意的软件。.



·使用诸如封装(encapsulation)与委派(delegation)的 OO 原则建立灵活的应用程序。

·使用开闭原则(Open-Closed Principle)与单一责任原则(Single-Responsibility Principle)提升程序的重利用性。

·学习如何将 OO 原则、设计模式及各种开发方法,通通整合到 OOA&D 项目的生命周期里。

·运用 UML、用例及用例图来确保所有利害关系人都能清楚地进行沟通,协助你交付正确的软件,达到每个人的要求。...


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