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It should be a time of joyous anticipation–the happiest time
in a woman’s life. But for many women, the joys of pregnancy are
clouded by feelings of fear, sadness, and confusion. And unlike
postpartum depression, which is widely portrayed in the media and
embraced by the medical community, depression during pregnancy has
been rarely discussed and often misunderstood–until now. In this
groundbreaking book–the first to focus exclusively on depression in
pregnancy–Dr. Shaila Kulkarni Misri, a leading reproductive
psychiatrist, draws on her twenty-five years of clinical practice
and research to offer hope, help, and healing–as well as a
provocative, myth-shattering examination of a subject that has too
long been shrouded in darkness.
The numbers are surprising: up to 70 percent of pregnant women
experience some degree of depressive symptoms, and of those, 12
percent meet the diagnostic criteria for major depression. Although
it is at least as common as postpartum depression, which occurs
after a child’s birth, pregnancy-related depression is often
cloaked in silence, shame, and denial. Pregnancy Blues lifts the
veil on this heartbreaking–and very treatable–
illness, examining the key social and biological factors that can
come together during pregnancy to create a climate in which
depression and anxiety thrive, as well as offering the many
effective treatments that are available. Discover:
? How to recognize the signs and symptoms of depression–and know
when to seek help
? The role of female hormones: why women are more vulnerable to
depression than men
? How depression can “hide” behind physical complaints, such as
back, stomach, or even chest pain
? The unspoken connection between infertility and
? The antidepressant controversy: the facts on specific drugs,
their safety–and when medication is the right choice
? Breastfeeding and medication–the risks and benefits
Plus helpful self-tests and resources, information on alternative
treatment options–from therapy to acupuncture–and much more. A work
of daring and compassion, Pregnancy Blues challenges the underlying
traditions and beliefs surrounding pregnancy and motherhood–and
explores how those misconceptions have led to the drastic
underdiagnosis and undertreatment of depression during pregnancy. A
must-read for women and those who love them, Pregnancy Blues is at
once an extraordinary roadmap to healing and an eye-opening report
on a medical issue that no woman can afford to miss.
From the Hardcover edition.
Shaila Kulkarni Misri, MD, Frcpc, is one of the leading
reproductive psychiatrists in North America and is internationally
recognized as a pioneer in women’s mental health and reproductive
issues. She is the founder and director of Reproductive Mental
Health at both St. Paul’s Hospital and BC Women’s Hospital &
Health Centre in Vancouver, and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
and Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of British
Columbia, Canada.
"This groundbreaking and important book brings
pregnancy-related depression out of the closet and offers
effective, compassionate, and scientifically accurate solutions
that can help alleviate the suffering of millions of pregnant women
and the babies they are carrying."
--Christiane Northrup, M.D.
From the Hardcover edition.
It should be a time of joyous anticipation–the happiest time in a woman’s life. But for many women, the joys of pregnancy are clouded by feelings of fear, sadness, and confusion. And unlike postpartum depression, which is widely portrayed in the media and embraced by the medical community, depression during pregnancy has been rarely discussed and often misunderstood–until now. In this groundbreaking book–the first to focus exclusively on depression in pregnancy–Dr. Shaila Kulkarni Misri, a leading reproductive psychiatrist, draws on her twenty-five years of clinical practice and research to offer hope, help, and healing–as well as a provocative, myth-shattering examination of a subject that has too long been shrouded in darkness.
The numbers are surprising: up to 70 percent of pregnant women experience some degree of depressive symptoms, and of those, 12 percent meet the diagnostic criteria for major depression. Although it is at least as common as postpartum depression, which occurs after a child’s birth, pregnancy-related depression is often cloaked in silence, shame, and denial. Pregnancy Blues lifts the veil on this heartbreaking–and very treatable–
illness, examining the key social and biological factors that can come together during pregnancy to create a climate in which depression and anxiety thrive, as well as offering the many effective treatments that are available. Discover:
• How to recognize the signs and symptoms of depression–and know when to seek help
• The role of female hormones: why women are more vulnerable to depression than men
• How depression can “hide” behind physical complaints, such as back, stomach, or even chest pain
• The unspoken connection between infertility and depression
• The antidepressant controversy: the facts on specific drugs, their safety–and when medication is the right choice
• Breastfeeding and medication–the risks and benefits
Plus helpful self-tests and resources, information on alternative treatment options–from therapy to acupuncture–and much more. A work of daring and compassion, Pregnancy Blues challenges the underlying traditions and beliefs surrounding pregnancy and motherhood–and explores how those misconceptions have led to the drastic underdiagnosis and undertreatment of depression during pregnancy. A must-read for women and those who love them, Pregnancy Blues is at once an extraordinary roadmap to healing and an eye-opening report on a medical issue that no woman can afford to miss.
From the Hardcover edition.
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