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Mediterranean Food,Elixabeth David's first bood,is based on a collection of recipes she made when she lived in France,Italy,the Grddk Islands and Egypt.Here are the satisfying pasta and polenta dishes of Italy.the aromatic and tangy salads of Turdey and Greece and the delicate seafood and saffron dishes of Spain,From the simplicity of taramasalata and hummus to delicious plates of ratatouille of paella,all the tastes of the sunny south lie within these enticing pages.
Quite simply a love story.It tells,in the most beautiful words,of a woman's passion for the warmth of the sun,the peoples of the Mediterranean and the pleasure to be found in food'Thane Prince,Daily Telegraph.
Not only did she transfum the way we cooked but she is a delight to read'Jennifer Paterson,Express on Saturday. 作者简介: Elizabeth David discovered her taste for good food and wine when she lived with a French famliy while studying history and literature at the Sorbomme.A few years after her return to England she made up her mind to learn to cook so that she could reproduce for herself and her friends some of the food that she had come to apreciate in France,Italy,Greece,Egypt and Imdia,ax well as in England.She found not lnly the practical side but also the Iiterature of cookery of absorbing inertest and studied it throughout her life. Her first book,Mediterranean Food,appeared in 1950.French Conntry Coding followed in 1951,Italian Food,after a year of research in Italy,in 1954,Snmmer Cooking in 1955 and French Provincial Cooking in 1960.These books and a stream of often provocative articles in magaxines and mewspapers changed the outlook of English cooks for ever. In her later works she explored the traditions of English cooking (Spices,Salt and Aromatics in the English Kitchen,1970)and with English Bread and Yeast Coodery (1977)became the champion of a long overdue movement for good bread.AnOmelette and a Glass of Wine (1984)is a range of other jounals.The posthumously published Harvest of the Cold Months(1994)is a fascinating historical account of aspects of food preservation,the world-wide ice trade and the early days of refrigeration.South Wind Through the Kitchen,an anthology of recipes and acticles from Mrs David's nine books,selected by her family and friends,and friends,and by the chdfs and writers she inspired,was publishde in 1997,and acts as a reminder of what made Elizabeth David one of the most influential and loved of English food writers.All of her books are published in Penguin.
In 1973 her contribution to the gastronomic arts was recognized with the award of the first Anert Aimon Memorial Fund Book Award.An OBE followed in 1976,and in 1977 she was made a Chervlier de I'Ordre du Merite Agricole.Imthe same year English Bread and Yeast Cookery won Elixabeth Darid the Glenfiddich Writer of the Year Award.The uni-versities of Essex and Bristol conferred honorary doctorates on her in 1979 and 1988 respectively.In 1982 she was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and in 1986 was awarded a CBE.Elizabeth David died in 1992.
Mediterranean Food,Elixabeth David's first bood,is based on a collection of recipes she made when she lived in France,Italy,the Grddk Islands and Egypt.Here are the satisfying pasta and polenta dishes of Italy.the aromatic and tangy salads of Turdey and Greece and the delicate seafood and saffron dishes of Spain,From the simplicity of taramasalata and hummus to delicious plates of ratatouille of paella,all the tastes of the sunny south lie within these enticing pages.
Quite simply a love story.It tells,in the most beautiful words,of a woman's passion for the warmth of the sun,the peoples of the Mediterranean and the pleasure to be found in food'Thane Prince,Daily Telegraph.
Not only did she transfum the way we cooked but she is a delight to read'Jennifer Paterson,Express on Saturday. 作者简介: Elizabeth David discovered her taste for good food and wine when she lived with a French famliy while studying history and literature at the Sorbomme.A few years after her return to England she made up her mind to learn to cook so that she could reproduce for herself and her friends some of the food that she had come to apreciate in France,Italy,Greece,Egypt and Imdia,ax well as in England.She found not lnly the practical side but also the Iiterature of cookery of absorbing inertest and studied it throughout her life. Her first book,Mediterranean Food,appeared in 1950.French Conntry Coding followed in 1951,Italian Food,after a year of research in Italy,in 1954,Snmmer Cooking in 1955 and French Provincial Cooking in 1960.These books and a stream of often provocative articles in magaxines and mewspapers changed the outlook of English cooks for ever. In her later works she explored the traditions of English cooking (Spices,Salt and Aromatics in the English Kitchen,1970)and with English Bread and Yeast Coodery (1977)became the champion of a long overdue movement for good bread.AnOmelette and a Glass of Wine (1984)is a range of other jounals.The posthumously published Harvest of the Cold Months(1994)is a fascinating historical account of aspects of food preservation,the world-wide ice trade and the early days of refrigeration.South Wind Through the Kitchen,an anthology of recipes and acticles from Mrs David's nine books,selected by her family and friends,and friends,and by the chdfs and writers she inspired,was publishde in 1997,and acts as a reminder of what made Elizabeth David one of the most influential and loved of English food writers.All of her books are published in Penguin.
In 1973 her contribution to the gastronomic arts was recognized with the award of the first Anert Aimon Memorial Fund Book Award.An OBE followed in 1976,and in 1977 she was made a Chervlier de I'Ordre du Merite Agricole.Imthe same year English Bread and Yeast Cookery won Elixabeth Darid the Glenfiddich Writer of the Year Award.The uni-versities of Essex and Bristol conferred honorary doctorates on her in 1979 and 1988 respectively.In 1982 she was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and in 1986 was awarded a CBE.Elizabeth David died in 1992.
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