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This book will help anyone who is responsible for a payroll department to manage payroll functions with the maximum efficiency and within compliance requirements. It will demonstrate the optimal methods for the basic functions of payroll through to year end and management. Proposed chapters include:
Part One Basic Functions of the Payroll Department
1. Time Records, 2. Form W-4, 3. New Hires, 4. Errors and Corrections, 5. Tax Deposits and Reporting, 6. Garnishments
Part Two Staffing the Payroll Department
7. Creating a First Rate Payroll Department, 8. Managing the Staff, 9. Staff Motivation and Morale, 10. Working with Human Resources and other Departments
Part Three Management Issues
11. Customer Service, 12. Fraud, 13. Dealing with the Internal Revenue Service, 14. Handling Department of Labor Audits, 15. Compliance Issues, 16. Research Needs
Part Four Benefits and the Payroll Department
17. Should Payroll Handle the Company's Benefits? 18. Year End and Year Beginning Issues
Part Five Payroll Systems
19. Objectives of a Computerized Payroll System, 20. Interfacing and Integration, 21. Selecting a Computerize Payroll System, 22. Controls and Security for the Payroll System, 23. Disaster Recover a Must, 24. Time and Attendance Systems, 25. Employee Self Service Systems
Part Six Paying Employees
26. Paper Checks are Still an Option, 27. Direct Deposit, 28. Paycards
Part Seven Year End
29. Start Year End Off With a Memo, 30. Year End Teams, 31. Check Lists, 32. Reconciliation of Payroll at Year End, 33. Form W-2
Part Eight Payroll and the New Year
34. Setting Up the Payroll System for the New Year, 35. Setting Up the Payroll Department for the New Year
Part Nine Professionalism and the Payroll Department
36. What is a CPP? 37. Why you should become one, 38. Studying for the test, 39. Ongoing training, 40. Professional organizations
Chapter 1. Basic Functions of the Payroll Department
1. Time Records
2. Form W-4
3. New Hires
4. Errors and Corrections
5. Payroll Reconciliation, Tax Deposits and Quarterly Reporting
6. Garnishments
Chapter 2. Staffing the Payroll Department
2.1 Creating a First Rate Payroll Department
2.2 Managing the Staff
2.3 Staff Motivation and Morale
2.4 Working with Human Resources and other Departments
Chapter 3. Management Issues
3.1 Customer Service
3.2 Fraud
3.3 Dealing with the Internal Revenue Service
3.4 Handling Department of Labor Audits
3.5 Compliance Issues
3.6 Research Needs
3.7 Security Basics
Chapter 4. Benefits and the Payroll Department
4.1 Should Payroll Handle the Company’s Benefits?
4.2 Year End and Year Beginning Issues
Chapter 5. Payroll Systems.
5.1 Objectives of a Computerized Payroll System
5.2 Interfacing and Integration
5.3 Selecting a Computerize Payroll System
5.4 Controls and Security for the Payroll System
5.5 Disaster Recover a Must
5.6 Time and Attendance Systems
5.7 Employee Self Service Systems
Chapter 6. Paying Employees
6.1 Paper Checks are Still an Option
6.2 Direct Deposit
6.3 Paycards
Chapter 7. Year End
7.1 Start Year End Off With a Memo
7.2 Planning and Surviving Year End
7.3 Checklists
7.4 Reconciliation of Payroll at Year End
7.5 Form W-2
Chapter 8. Payroll and the New Year
8.1 Setting Up the Payroll System for the New Year
8.2 Setting Up the Payroll Department for the New Year
Chapter 9. Professionalism and the Payroll Department
9.1 What is a CPP?
9.2 Why Become a CPP
9.3 Studying for the test
9.4 Ongoing Training
9.5 Professional Organization
Vicki M. Lambert, CPP (certified payroll professional), is a respected consultant, lecturer, and author of many books and articles. She lectures extensively throughout the United States on payroll administration and compliance issues for clients that have
This book will help anyone who is responsible for a payroll department to manage payroll functions with the maximum efficiency and within compliance requirements. It will demonstrate the optimal methods for the basic functions of payroll through to year end and management. The proposed chapters include: Part One Basic Functions of the Payroll Department; Time Records, Form W 4, New Hires, Errors and Corrections, Tax Deposits and Reporting, Garnishments; Part Two - Staffing the Payroll Department, Creating a First Rate Payroll Department, Managing the Staff, Staff Motivation and Morale, Working with Human Resources and other Departments; Part Three Management Issues: Customer Service, Fraud, Dealing with the Internal Revenue Service, Handling Department of Labor Audits, Compliance Issues, Research Needs; and Part Four Benefits and the Payroll Department: Should Payroll Handle the Company's Benefits? Year End and Year Beginning Issues. It also includes part five Payroll Systems: Objectives of a Computerized Payroll System, Interfacing and Integration, Selecting a Computerize Payroll System, Controls and Security for the Payroll System, Disaster Recover a Must, Time and Attendance Systems, Employee Self Service Systems; Part Six Paying Employees: Paper Checks are Still an Option, Direct Deposit, Paycards; Part Seven Year End: Start Year End Off With a Memo, Year End Teams, Check Lists, Reconciliation of Payroll at Year End, Form W 2 Part Eight Payroll and the New Year: Setting Up the Payroll System for the New Year, Setting Up the Payroll Department for the New Year; Part Nine Professionalism and the Payroll Department: What is a CPP? Why you should become one, Studying for the test, Ongoing training, and Professional organizations.
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