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It all started when Douglas Adams demolished planet Earth in
order to make way for an intergalactic expressway–and then invited
everyone to thumb a ride on a comical cosmic road trip with the
likes of Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect, and the other daft denizens of
deep space immortalized in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
Adams made the universe a much funnier place to inhabit and forever
changed the way we think about towels, extraterrestrial poetry, and
especially the number 42. And then, too soon, he was gone.
Just who was this impossibly tall Englishman who wedded science
fiction and absurdist humor to create the multimillion-selling
five-book “trilogy” that became a cult phenomenon read round the
world? Even if you’ve dined in the Restaurant at the End of the
Universe, you’ve been exposed to only a portion of the offbeat,
endearing, and irresistible Adams mystique. Have you met the only
official unofficial member of Monty Python’s Flying Circus? The
very first person to purchase a Macintosh computer? The first (and
thus far only) author to play a guitar solo onstage with Pink
Floyd? Adams was also the writer so notorious for missing deadlines
that he had to be held captive in a hotel room under the watchful
eye of his editor; the creator of the epic computer game Starship
Titanic; and a globetrotting wildlife crusader.
A longtime friend of the author, Nick Webb reveals many quirks
and contradictions: Adams as the high-tech-gadget junkie and lavish
gift giver . . .irrepressible ham and painfully timid soul . . .
gregarious conversationalist and brooding depressive . . .
brilliant intellect and prickly egotist. Into the brief span of
forty-nine years, Douglas Adams exuberantly crammed more lives than
the most resilient cat–while still finding time and energy to
pursue whatever side projects captivated his ever-inquisitive
By turns touching, tongue-in-cheek, and not at all timid about
telling the warts-and-all truth, Wish You Were Here is summation as
celebration– a look back at a life well worth the vicarious
reliving, and studded with anecdote, droll comic incident, and
heartfelt insight as its subject’s own unforgettable tales of
cosmic wanderlust. For the countless fans of Douglas Adams and his
unique and winsome world, here is a wonderful postcard: to be read,
reread, and treasured for the memories it bears.
From the Hardcover edition.
NICK WEBB was a publisher for nearly thirty years before,
perversely, turning to writing. He commissioned The Hitchhiker’s
Guide to the Galaxy while he was an editor at Pan Books, and
remained good friends with Douglas Adams until the end of the
author's life. He lives in Hackney.
“Webb’s tale brims with affection and humour; every page is a
–The Daily Mail
“It’s perhaps the ultimate credit to Webb that he can be just
as funny as Adams in his writing. With many of the same veins of
humour that Adams had running throughout this biography, it’s as if
the great hitchhiker has never really left.”
–The Leeds Guide
It all started when Douglas Adams demolished planet Earth in order to make way for an intergalactic expressway–and then invited everyone to thumb a ride on a comical cosmic road trip with the likes of Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect, and the other daft denizens of deep space immortalized in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Adams made the universe a much funnier place to inhabit and forever changed the way we think about towels, extraterrestrial poetry, and especially the number 42. And then, too soon, he was gone.
Just who was this impossibly tall Englishman who wedded science fiction and absurdist humor to create the multimillion-selling five-book “trilogy” that became a cult phenomenon read round the world? Even if you’ve dined in the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, you’ve been exposed to only a portion of the offbeat, endearing, and irresistible Adams mystique. Have you met the only official unofficial member of Monty Python’s Flying Circus? The very first person to purchase a Macintosh computer? The first (and thus far only) author to play a guitar solo onstage with Pink Floyd? Adams was also the writer so notorious for missing deadlines that he had to be held captive in a hotel room under the watchful eye of his editor; the creator of the epic computer game Starship Titanic ; and a globetrotting wildlife crusader.
A longtime friend of the author, Nick Webb reveals many quirks and contradictions: Adams as the high-tech-gadget junkie and lavish gift giver . . .irrepressible ham and painfully timid soul . . . gregarious conversationalist and brooding depressive . . . brilliant intellect and prickly egotist. Into the brief span of forty-nine years, Douglas Adams exuberantly crammed more lives than the most resilient cat–while still finding time and energy to pursue whatever side projects captivated his ever-inquisitive mind.
By turns touching, tongue-in-cheek, and not at all timid about telling the warts-and-all truth, Wish You Were Here is summation as celebration– a look back at a life well worth the vicarious reliving, and studded with anecdote, droll comic incident, and heartfelt insight as its subject’s own unforgettable tales of cosmic wanderlust. For the countless fans of Douglas Adams and his unique and winsome world, here is a wonderful postcard: to be read, reread, and treasured for the memories it bears.
From the Hardcover edition.
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