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Collected into one volume for the first time, all five installments of Edward St. Aubyn's celebrated Patrick Melrose novels
Now an Emmy® award nominated 5-part limited event series on Showtime, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Blythe Danner
Edward St. Aubyn has penned one of the most acclaimed series of the decade with the Patrick Melrose Novels. Now you can read all five novels in one volume: Never Mind, Bad News, Mother's Milk, Some Hope, and At Last.
By turns harrowing and hilarious, this ambitious novel cycle dissects the English upper class. Edward St. Aubyn offers his reader the often darkly funny and self-loathing world of privilege as we follow Patrick Melrose's story of abuse, addiction, and recovery from the age of five into early middle age.
The Patrick Melrose Novels are "a memorable tour de force" (The New York Times Book Review) by one of "the most brilliant English novelists of his generation" (Alan Hollinghurst).
EDWARD ST. AUBYN lives in London with his two children. He is the author of The Patrick Melrose Novels: Never Mind, Bad News, Some Hope, Mothers Milk, and At Last. Mother's Milk was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize in 2006.
Even while he drank in the flattery he knew that underneath this flamboyant frittering away of his talent he had never overcome his reliance on pastiche, his fear of mediocrity, and the rankling suspicion that the first attack of fever was somehow self-induced. This insight was useless to him; to know the causes of his failure did not diminish the failure, but it did make his self-hatred a little more convoluted and a little more lucid than it would have been in a state of plain ignorance.
He enjoyed the risk he was taking. She might have said no and left. If she stayed and did waht he wanted, he would capture her. The odd thing was that neither of them thought of laughing.
A submission, even an absurd one, was a real temptation to Eleanor. She would be sacrificing things she did not want to believe in - table manners, dignity, pride - for something she did want to believe in: the spirit of sacrifice. The emptiness of the gesture, the fact that it did not help anybody, made it seem more pure at the time. She knelt down on all fours on the threadbare Persian rug, her hands flattened either side of the plate. Her elbows jutted out as she lowered herself and picked up a piece of pigeon between her teeth. She felt the strain at the base of her spine.
Suicide wore the mask of self-rejection; but in reality nobody took their personality more seriously than the person who was planning to kill himself on its instructions. Nobody was more determined to stay incharge at any cost, to force the most mysterious aspect of life into their own imperious schedule.
He could tell that he had unsettled Patrick and didn’t want to lose the chance to consolidate his work.
I can’t help thinking how much your father would have enjoyed this occasion,’ panted Nicholas. ‘Whatever his drawbacks as a parent, you must admit that he never lost his sense of humour.’
‘Easy not to lose what you never had,’ said Patrick, too relieved that he could speak again to avoid the mistake of engaging with Nicholas.
‘Oh,I disagree,' said Nicholas. He saw the funny side of everything.’
‘He only saw the funny side of things that didn't have one, said Patrick. ‘That's not a sense of humour, just a form of cruelty.’
‘Well, cruelty and laughter,' said Nicholas, struggling to take off his overcoat next to the row of brass hooks on the far side ofthe hall, ‘have a...
Collected into one volume for the first time, all five installments of Edward St. Aubyn's celebrated Patrick Melrose novels
Now an Emmy® award nominated 5-part limited event series on Showtime, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Blythe Danner
Edward St. Aubyn has penned one of the most acclaimed series of the decade with the Patrick Melrose Novels. Now you can read all five novels in one volume: Never Mind, Bad News, Mother's Milk, Some Hope, and At Last.
By turns harrowing and hilarious, this ambitious novel cycle dissects the English upper class. Edward St. Aubyn offers his reader the often darkly funny and self-loathing world of privilege as we follow Patrick Melrose's story of abuse, addiction, and recovery from the age of five into early middle age.
The Patrick Melrose Novels are "a memorable tour de force" (The New York Times Book Review) by one of "the most brilliant English novelists of his generation" (Alan Hollinghurst).
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